Prayer / SOZO

Prayer / SOZO


Our prayers are powerful. They are more than something we say before meals or at our bedside. They are an ongoing and constant conversation between the Creator and His creation. They are powerful because our requests are heard by the very God of the Universe! We, at Park Harbor, are a house of prayer. We believe that an essential part of the daily life of every believer is developing this desire for ongoing communication with the Lord. It creates intimacy with God. It brings healing, reveals wisdom, and makes a way when there is no way. At Park Harbor, we pray, because we believe that God hears us and responds. We encourage you to come early to services to petition for God to have His way!

The 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month we have worship and prayer at 6pm. Typically, we feature the various ministries of Park in our requests on the second Sunday, and have prophetic prayer on the 4th Sunday. We also take time to address the needs of the church and those that have needs.

If you are driving through the neighborhood and see our signs saying that we are open for Drive-Thru prayer, stop on in and honk your horn! We will come out and pray for you. Those that attend Park Harbor and want to sign up to be available for a block of time in our Drive-Thru prayer ministry can click on the Get Involved link.

If you have a more urgent prayer need, you can call the church and we will pass it on to our prayer chain. Contact us and let us know how we can ask God to intervene on your behalf or for someone you know. If you call Park home, you can request to be a part of the prayer chain and add your voice to those who are already believing for a miracle!

We have an altar team that is often available to pray for others during or after services. Talk to Sandi about participating on the Altar Team if you are interested.


Wounds of our past have a way of causing stress, anxiety, and hopelessness. SOZO assists people in receiving wholeness and freedom. This is a gentle and non-invasive way for allowing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to bring healing and freedom from emotional, physical, and spiritual wounds that have prevented the embracing of our true identity in Christ. Lives are transformed when lies are replaced with truth and bondage is replaced with freedom!

If interested in receiving a SOZO, please contact us (link to contact us page) and someone will contact you to set up an appointment.